"The trademark, Scientific.Net, was created by the company and represents one of the largest web resources providing high-demand content focused on science and engineering themes. Each year thousands of new academic publications enrich the Scientific.Net collection. It includes academic journals and book series that publish regular and special issues, volumes, conference proceedings, and monographs." Quelle
Die Hochschule Bochum hat bis zum 10.11.2024 einen Testzugang zu dem E-Journal Paket aus dem Bereich Werkstoff- und Ingenieurwissenschaften.
Scientific.Net Read & Publish Titelliste READ:
- Advanced Engineering Forum (AEF)
- Advanced Materials Research (AMR)
- Advances in Science and Technology (AST)
- Applied Mechanics and Materials (AMM)
- Construction Technologies and Architecture (CTA)
- Defect and Diffusion Forum (DDF)
- Diffusion Foundations and Materials Applications (former Diffusion Foundations) (DFMA)
- Engineering Headway (EH)
- International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa (JERA)
- Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (former Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering) (JBBBE)
- Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials (JMNM)
- Journal of Nano Research (JNanoR)
- Key Engineering Materials (KEM)
- Materials Science Forum (MSF)
- Nano Hybrids and Composites (former Nano Hybrids) (NHC)
- Solid State Phenomena (SSP)
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