Digital Mentoring
The Digital Mentoring project investigates and tests how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to support both the learning and teaching process, focusing specially on the introductory study phase and on basic mathematical training. Moreover, analyses of the study process data are carried out in order to contribute to quality assurance and development in studying and teaching. The Bochum University of Applied Sciences cooperates with the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences and the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences. At Bochum University of Applied Sciences, the main focus lies on three project branches.
Project Branches

Acceptance of Learning Analytics
An acceptance study examines, under which conditions and prerequisites Learning Analytics is perceived as beneficial by students.

Learning Analytics and Adaptive Learning
A mathematic training area is developed and explored to support students self-directed learning by adapting mathematic tasks to their abilities.

Educational Data Mining
Educational data mining is used to analyze courses of studies and conditions of study success.
Detailed Project Description
The Digital Mentoring project in collaboration with Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Westphalia University of Applied Sciences aims to create a new system of teaching and learning support as a contribution to quality assurance and development. From the perspective of the three participating universities, a digital mentoring system is suitable for simultaneously taking on various current challenges of teaching as well as learning, such as the heterogeneity of the current student body, the increasing duration of studies, besides changes in teaching-and-learning-based situations due to the significantly increased use of digital elements in teaching. By using the potential of digitization with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and learning analytics, a system for recording, reflecting on and supporting learning processes is built. Targeting the groups of students, teachers and service institutions simultaneously, an attractive and intuitive, digitally supported mentoring system is to be designed and established in an evolutionary development process - while consistently observing data protection.
Project Team