Open Science and Good Scientific Practice

Open Science and the principles of good scientific practice, as outlined by the German Research Foundation (DFG), are closely related topics that often go hand in hand and, in certain instances, are mutually dependent. At Bochum University of Applied Sciences, we consider it essential to approach these topics in tandem.

Open Science

Open Science is an approach that aims to make scientific research and its results accessible and understandable for everyone. Instead of hiding knowledge behind paywalls, the aim is to make it freely available - for researchers, students and all interested parties.

As a university of applied sciences with a sustainability profile that has grown over the years and is orientated towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our university is particularly committed to the principle of Open Science. We endeavour not to hide knowledge behind paywalls, but to make it accessible and understandable for everyone as a common good - whether for our researchers, students or the general public.

Open Science helps us to promote our inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration across national and disciplinary borders. We support free access to knowledge and research data in order to develop innovative solutions for the complex challenges of our time. Bochum University of Applied Sciences sees itself as a place of open exchange and cooperation, where ideas for a more sustainable and fairer world are created and shared.

The advantages of Open Science

Open Science is important because:

  • Everyone has access to knowledge: Research results are freely available, which promotes knowledge sharing and innovation.
  • Research becomes more transparent: Open access to data and methods makes it easier to understand and scrutinise research.
  • Collaboration across borders becomes possible: People from different disciplines and countries can work together more easily and conduct joint research.

Special subject areas of Open Science at Bochum University of Applied Sciences

  • Open Access: Free access to scientific publications so that anyone can read and use research results. The university promotes this through its participation in the DEAL initiative and an internal publication fund managed by Department 7 Research Funding. As part of our Open Access Publishing Guidelines, Bochum University of Applied Sciences expressly recommends that its researchers publish Open Access and supports them in doing so.
  • Open Data: Publicly accessible research data that can be used and further developed by others. The university promotes open data as part of its research data management strategy.
  • Open Educational Resources (OER): Freely available teaching and learning materials that can be used and adapted by teachers and students. The university supports this as part of its OER and open source guidelines and through the DigiTeach infrastructure for the creation and publication of OER.
  • Open Source: Freely available and modifiable software tools used in research to promote collaboration and support the traceability of research results. The OER and Open Source Policy adopted in 2023 supports researchers at the BO in the publication of open source software.

Good scientific practice at Bochum University of Applied Sciences

Open Science goes hand in hand with the principles of good scientific practice as understood and promoted at Bochum University of Applied Sciences. By integrating Open Science into research, teaching and transfer, we strengthen the fundamental values of science: transparency, honesty, reliability and responsibility. Here are some key points that illustrate this connection:

  • Transparency and traceability: Open science promotes transparency in research. Open access to research data and methods makes it possible to scrutinise and understand scientific results. This is a central aspect of good scientific practice and increases trust in science.
  • Honesty and integrity: The disclosure of research methods and data as part of open science supports honesty and integrity in research. Researchers are encouraged to share their work openly, which contributes to a culture of openness and mutual respect.
  • Collaboration and interdisciplinary cooperation: Open Science promotes collaboration across disciplines and national borders. This open collaboration is in line with the spirit of good scientific practice by supporting networking and the exchange of knowledge and ideas.
  • Responsibility and sustainability: As a university with a strong sustainability profile, we also see open science as part of our responsibility towards society and future generations. By promoting open knowledge, Bochum University of Applied Sciences contributes to the development and dissemination of sustainable solutions to global challenges.

In accordance with the DFG guidelines, the following regulations have been implemented for good scientific practice at our university: Regulations for governing behaviour and measures to ensure good scientific practice and Rules of procedure of the investigation committee on good scientific practice.

Ombudspersons for good scientific practice

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Keßler
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Mudersbach

Commission of Inquiry for Good Scientific Practice