Our Sustainability Strategy for 2021-2025

Our sustainability strategy was developed through a participatory process and was officially adopted in the summer of 2021. This strategy encapsulates both our understanding of sustainability and our guiding principles. It outlines our goals for the coming years until 2025 in the following areas:

  1. Governance
  2. Teaching, Study, and Further Education
  3. Research and Development
  4. University Operations, Procurement, and Climate
  5. Reducing Inequalities – Third Mission
  6. Transparency and Reporting

Sustainability strategy goals and indicators

So, what are the specific goals that the University of Bochum has set to contribute to the transformation towards a more sustainable university and society? And how do we intend to measure and achieve these goals?

The University of Bochum has aligned its objectives with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. Through a participatory process, 22 goals have been formulated across six action areas to promote sustainable development at the university. A set of 84 indicators is used to continuously measure and track sustainability performance.

In the framework of the university's first sustainability report, these indicators will be collected for the first time this year. They represent the current status of goal achievement and, at the same time, highlight areas where the university can take direct action to address needs for improvement.

Find out more about our goals

[Foto: Volker Wiciok /Lichtblick-Fotos]

"Sustainability is not only a vital topic for the future, sustainability is a topic that we need to sensitise people to now. That's why we at Bochum University of Applied Sciences decided very early on to establish sustainability as a profile element."

Jürgen Bock, former President of the university (2016 - 2022)