Information for refugee Ukranian students

Those who have to flee Ukraine have many questions and need support.
Here, Ukrainian students can find up-to-date answers and advice.
More information from the DAAD in English.
In Bochum, Ruhr University Bochum offers German classes for refugees, info can be found here.
Hochschule Bochum itself does not offer general German courses.
If you would like to continue your studies at Bochum University, please contact the International Office study(at)
Here you will receive information on which documents are necessary.
If you want to start a new study program, you have to apply for a place of study - please see "How to apply at Hochschule Bochum".
Different levels of German are required in our Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. You can find the exact language requirements in "Language skills". Almost all degree programs are taught in German.
At Hochschule Bochum you can study the master's degree program Environmental Engineering in English. You can find more information here.
To apply at Hochschule Bochum, you must first apply via
The DAAD is preparing financial programs to help Ukrainian students and scientists. We will publish the details of these measures here as soon as they are announced.
Students who have been affected by the consequences of the war in the Ukraine can receive short-term financial bridging through the "Hilfe für ausländische Studierende in Bochum e.V.".
Therefore it is required to submit an "Application for Special Aid Fund for Students Affected by the Ukraine War" to the Allgemeinen Studierenden Ausschuss (AStA).
It is not required to be enrolled at the Bochum University of Applied Science. It is also not necessary to have Ukrainian or Russian citizenship.
The application can also be submitted by students who have fled the Ukraine but do not have Ukrainian citizenship.
The application and further information can be found on the following website:
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides information about study and funding opportunities in Germany. Here you can find information about studying in Germany.
Please ask your local foreigners authority for advice on the possibilities of a residence permit for the purpose of studying / training.
Further information:
The "Ordinance on the Temporary Exemption from the Requirement of a Residence Title of Persons Entering Ukraine on the Occasion of the War in Ukraine" regulates exemptions from the visa requirement for refugees from Ukraine and the possibility of applying for a residence title here in Germany.
The State Minister for Migration, Refugees and Integration has published FAQs on entry and residence for refugees from Ukraine, which are updated regularly.
Psychological study counseling at the Bochum University of Applied Sciences can be found here. Appointments are available for both enroled and prospective students.