Bachelor of Science

Environmental Engineering

The European Union has identified seven societal challenges, including the following three:

  • Secure, clean and efficient energy

  • Smart, green and integrated transport

  • Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

The Environmental Engineering programme is intended for school-leavers with an interest in technical subjects and the natural sciences who seek to explore the topics of environment, climate change, sustainability, infrastructure and renewable energies within a clear context. The areas of activity of environmental engineers are wide and varied and include the planning, development and monitoring of technical processes, sustainable infrastructures and environmental protection. Career prospects in these areas are currently very good and will improve even more in the future.

For documents such as the module handbook, study plan and examination regulations, please visit the German page.

Admission conditions

1. Higher education entrance qualification

Admission to the programme is conditional on a higher education entrance qualification.

You require one of the following:

  • Higher education entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)

  • General higher education entrance qualification: German Abitur

  • An entrance qualification recognised as equivalent

In the case of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences, a differentiation is often made between the academic part and the practical part. The academic part is completed at school. The practical part can be a completed training course (e.g. apprenticeship) or a 6 or 12-month guided work placement. As a rule, which type of work placement you require in order to be entitled to study is indicated on your certificate. If you are unsure, please contact your school.

If you have obtained your entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences in a federal state other than North Rhine-Westphalia, please check your certificate to see if it is also valid here.

2. Subject-related work placement:

Not required.

Programme structure

The standard period of study is 3.5 academic years (seven semesters) including the bachelor’s thesis. Students who pass the examination are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc).

The programme is modularised. It comprises foundation modules (compulsory modules) in the first and second year of the programme, which teach the necessary fundamentals of environmental engineering. The third year is divided into foundation modules and elective modules. Students can specialise by completing elective modules in the areas of “Urban Infrastructure” and “Construction and Energy”.

The curriculum in the seven semesters:

1st – 4th semester: Foundation studies

5th – 6th semester: Advanced studies with the specialisations “Urban Infrastructure” and “Construction and Energy”

7th semester: Practical phase and bachelor’s thesis

Core contents of the BSc in Environmental Engineering:

  • Natural science principles, e.g. mathematics, mechanics and computer science

  • Sustainability, climate change and climate protection

  • Renewable energies and energy supply

  • Water and transport management

  • Building material science and environmental pollutants

  • Soil mechanics

  • Process engineering and environmental technology


At advanced level in the bachelor’s programme, Environmental Engineering students can choose from the following specialisations:

  • Urban Infrastructure

  • Construction and Energy

“Urban Infrastructure” focuses on the human-environment-urban space system. In the future, urban areas will occupy an even more central role in societal development. In addition to providing the necessary technical infrastructure, special attention must be given to sustainability and a balance between urban ecology, urban use and the protection of society from negative impacts (noise, air pollution, storms, heavy rain/floods) when planning urban areas. “Urban Infrastructure” meets these challenges and in particular addresses the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations concerning sustainable cities and communities (No. 11) and resilient infrastructure (No. 9).

“Construction and Energy” addresses the societal challenges associated with a sustainable energy supply. In this context, it is concerned not only with concepts for power generation from renewable energies but also with identifying potential for energy savings and an efficient use of resources. The objective here is to enhance quality of life and at the same time protect the climate by acting responsibly. “Construction and Energy” thus picks up the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations concerning affordable and clean energy (No. 7) and climate action (No. 13).

Environmental Engineering