Contact persons by topic
Head of Administration Section 7
Head of Section
Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Lindner
Room: 03.04.04
Dr. Nadine Mägdefrau
Room: 03.04.07
Third-Party Funding Management
Contact persons Third-Party Funding Management
Management and advice on offers Projects FB M and ruhrvalley
Ina Bergmann
Room: 03.03.03
Management of third-party funds; processing and consulting for projects FB A
Tanja Borns
Room: 03.03.04
Processing and consulting projects FB G and W
Barbara Dick
Room: 03.03.08
Processing and consulting projects FB B, HV and other units
Luiza-Lilianna Ignaszewska
Room: 03.03.08
Processing and consulting projects FB E
Alexandra Stenner
Room: 03.03.02
Processing and consulting projects FB E
Claudia Koppe
Room: 03.03.03
Research and Transfer
Contact persons Research focus and strategic development
Advice, further development and measures for implementing research
Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Lindner
Room: 03.04.04
Measures for implementing the research strategy, core data set for research (KDSF)
Dr. Nadine Mägdefrau
Room: 03.04.07
Measures for implementing the research strategy, core data set for research (KDSF)
Dr. Joan Serra
Room: 03.04.08
Contact persons for advice on applications for non-economic projects
FB A, M, G and ruhrvalley
Dr. Nadine Mägdefrau
Room: 03.04.07
FB B, E, W as well as HV and other units
Dr. Joan Serra
Room: 03.04.08
Contact persons for inventions and property rights
Advice and support for inventions, patents and their exploitation
Dipl.-Biol. Gertrud Hötten
Room: 03.03.07
Contact persons for the promotion of young scientists
Accompanying doctoral candidates, cooperation RUB Research School and doctoral college NRW
Dr. Nadine Mägdefrau
Room: 03.04.07
Accompanying postdocs, cooperation RUB Research School and doctoral college NRW
Dr. Joan Serra
Room: 03.04.08
Contact persons Advice for dual study programs
Prospective students, students and companies in the Department of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering,
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) Stephanie Külkens
Room: 03.03.05
Counseling for the CVH campus
Dipl.-Ök. Cora Brose
Room: 3.09
Student advisory service for the CVH campus
Christine Heinrichs
Room: 3.16
Contact persons Career Service Engineering Sciences
Career Service Engineering Sciences
Silke Kujawski, M.A.
Room: 03.03.05
Contact persons Regional network management, regional offices
Regional network management, regional offices
Dr. Rebecca Burke
Contact persons Deutschlandstipendium
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) Stephanie Külkens
Room: 03.03.05
Transfer Hub THALESruhr
Transfer Management THALESruhr
Transfer Management THALESruhr
Dr. Rebecca Burke
Transformation Management THALESruhr
Transformation Management THALESruhr
Dr. Jan Schlüter
Room: 03.04.06
Communication Management THALESruhr
Communication Management THALESruhr
Dipl.-Kfm. Holger Glinde
Room: 03.04.03
MachMobil and MachBar
Head of MachBar / MachMobil THALESruhr
Dipl. Inf. (FH) Stefan Simanek
Room: 03.04.03