Civil Engineering (M.Sc.)
With the 3-semester application-oriented Master's degree programme in Civil Engineering, we pursue the goal of enabling qualified students with special aptitude for scientific work to enter, for example, the higher administrative service or a further academic qualification (doctoral qualification).
*For documents such as exam regulations and module handbook, please visit the programme's german page.
The prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree programme in Civil Engineering is a qualified degree (Bachelor's or Diplomingenieur degree) from a civil engineering degree programme lasting at least 7 semesters (210 credit points for a Bachelor's degree) at a state or state-recognised university with:
- an overall grade of 2.5 (up to 2.59) or better
- ECTS grade B or better or
- an overall grade of 2.6 to 2.9, if a meaningful assessment of suitability for the Master's degree programme in Civil Engineering is submitted. The assessment must have been prepared by a university lecturer who taught the applicant in the first professionally qualifying degree programme. The examination board decides on the recognition of the assessment and admission to the degree programme.
Graduates of a Bachelor's degree programme amounting to 180 credit points may be admitted to the Master's degree programme in accordance with Section 4 of the degree programme examination regulations, subject to the condition that they complete additional credits, usually amounting to 30 credit points, by the time they register for the Master's thesis.
The 30 credit points can be earned in the following modules:
- Elective modules from the 3rd year of the Bachelor's degree programme in Civil Engineering or
- 15 credit points from the "Practical phase" module from the 7th semester and 15 credit points from elective modules from the 3rd year of the Bachelor's degree programme in Civil Engineering.
- Upon application to the examination board, also from elective modules from comparable degree programmes
For further information on the transfer credits, please refer to § 5 of the degree programme examination regulations.
Applicants with qualifications acquired abroad can be admitted on application, provided that equivalence is proven.
International prospective students
As an international applicant, please note the German language skills required for this degree programme.
The Master's degree programme in Civil Engineering is aligned with our 7-semester Bachelor's degree programmes, which lead to a degree with 210 ECTS credits.
However, even if you have a 6-semester Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS credits), you can easily choose the Master's programme with us. You can achieve the missing 30 ECTS credits by completing the so-called learning agreements, which do not necessarily have to be completed before the Master's programme!
For this purpose, you can take elective modules worth 30 credit points from the 5th and 6th semesters of the 6-semester Bachelor's degree programme. This does not include modules from the IZK.
It is also possible to complete the "articulated internship" from the 7th semester of the future (7-semester) Bachelor's degree programme to the extent of 15 credit points. This "articulated internship" must be completed in a corresponding engineering office or construction company with an attendance period of 12 weeks. The internship is supervised by a professor of the faculty to the extent that the student's fields of activity are checked for their professional orientation and, if necessary, influenced.
The internship is graded on the basis of the student's internship report, which consists of weekly reports, a reference from the engineering office or construction company, a written report on the selected work content and a presentation with the presentation of technical aspects from the internship and subsequent colloquium.
Do I have to apply separately for the learning agreements?
No. You first apply as normal to the Master's degree programme of your choice. If you are accepted onto the Master's degree programme, the Examinations Office will inform you whether you need to take the alignment courses and which subjects you can choose from.
In the first year of study, the content of an in-depth scientific civil engineering programme is taught in the areas of construction, water, environment, energy, transport and construction management. The compulsory elective subjects serve to specialise in the main areas of study:
- Structural engineering
- Building physics and construction
- Transport and traffic
- Water
Civil Engineering
Degree: MSc | Standard period of study: 3 semesters | Not restricted | Start of studies: summer and winter semester

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