Electrical Engineering (M.Sc.)
Your best tool is your know-how!
After successfully completing your studies (Bachelor's or Diploma) in electrical engineering, mechatronics or computer science, would you like to gain further qualifications? Then the Master's degree programme in Electrical Engineering may be just right for you!
The Master's degree programme in Electrical Engineering is characterised by its breadth and practical relevance. The advantage for you is that your degree programme opens up a wide range of attractive career options.
Your project work will allow you to set your own specialisation and to take an in-depth look at a specific topic. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science works closely with companies in the region. Theses, for example, are usually based on current research and development topics from industry and business.
The Master's programme builds on an engineering degree with 210 ECTS credits. If your degree is worth 180 ECTS credits, you will simply complete so-called "equalisation credits" worth 30 ECTS credits.
You can start the Master's degree programme in Electrical Engineering in any semester.
*For documents such as exam regulations and module handbook, please visit the programme's german page.
As a graduate of the Master's degree programme in Electrical Engineering, many doors are open to you. As a Master of Science, you will have a wide range of career opportunities - also internationally - with responsible and managerial positions.
For example, in the following professional fields:
- Development and research in industry
- Infrastructure for production & logistics
- Project management
- Quality management
- Technical consulting
- Public service (higher service)
- Scientific work at research institutions
e.g. in sectors such as
- Mechanical and plant engineering
- Engineering services
- Energy and utilities industry
- Media and communication technology
- steel industry
- IT industry
- Automotive industry and supplier industry
Last but not least, a Master's degree paves your way into management positions and secures you a corresponding starting salary.
Have you ever thought about doing a doctorate?
Bochum University of Applied Sciences works closely with the Graduate Institute NRW. Within the framework of cooperativedoctoral programmes, you have the opportunity to gain further qualifications following your Master's degree.
You can find more information on the website of the Graduate Institute NRW.
- Bachelor of Engineering or
- Bachelor of Science or
- graduate engineer
in one of these degree programmes:
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Computer science or
- related degree programmes
As a special admission requirement, graduates of Computer Science and related degree programmes must have acquired sufficient knowledge and skills in the subject areas of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Fundamentals of Computer Science, Hardware-related Programming and Fundamentals of Systems Theory during their undergraduate studies. This is generally assumed for graduates of electrical engineering and mechatronics.
For graduates of other degree programmes, the fulfilment of these special admission requirements is determined by the examination board.
The examination board will determine whether and which achievements these applicants may have to make up. Proof of missing achievements must be provided by the time of registration for the Master's thesis.
The degree programme must have been completed with anoverall grade of 2.5 (up to 2.59) or better. The examination board determines the comparability of "related degree programmes".
Applicants with qualifications obtained abroad may be admitted upon application, provided that proof of equivalence can be provided.
The required overall grade is not an NC, but an admission requirement that must be met in order to participate in the application process.
This means that an application (overall grade lower than 2.59) is not considered / cannot be taken into account in the award procedure.
International prospective students
As an international applicant, please note the German language skills required for this degree programme.
1st semester
You will attend courses on the following topics:
- Actuators & power electronics
- Sensor signal processing and sensors
- System theory
- Technical simulation
- Applied and numerical mathematics
- Computer science
- and one elective subject from the specialisation catalogue
2nd semester
You will attend courses in the following subject areas:
- Theoretical electrical engineering
- Digital systems
- Electrical systems using the example of high-voltage vehicles
- as well as an elective subject from the specialisation catalogue
A project assignment will also prepare you for the requirements of the Master's thesis.
3rd semester
You complete your studies with the Master's thesis (3 - 5 months) and the subsequent colloquium (15-minute presentation + 30-minute oral examination).
Bochum University of Applied Sciences offers Master's degree programmes for engineers in three semesters. They are therefore aligned with our 7-semester Bachelor's degree programmes, which lead to a degree with 210 ECTS credits.
But even if you have a Bachelor's degree with only 180 ECTS points, you can easily enrol on a Master's programme with us. You can achieve the missing 30 ECTS points by completing the so-called "learning agreements", which do not necessarily have to be completed before the Master's programme!
You can decide for yourself whether you want to work towards the credits first and then take the Master's courses or whether you want to take credits parallel to the regular Master's courses. The only condition: Before registering for the Master's thesis, you must have completed all the harmonisation work.
Do I have to apply separately for the learning agreements?
No. You first apply as normal to the Master's degree programme of your choice.
If you are accepted onto the Master's degree programme, the Examinations Office will inform you whether you need to complete the credits and which subjects you can choose from.

This degree programme is part of the Ruhr Master School (RMS). Choose from additional compulsory elective modules from the partner universities Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, which will be recognised for your studies at Bochum University of Applied Sciences. Take advantage of the extended study options!
Experience reports

Advantage of the BO: approachable and helpful lecturers
Field report by Tim Wrütz

Advantage of the BO: fairly free organisation of the study programme
Field report by Felix Bennor
Electrical Engineering
Degree: Master of Science | Standard period of study: 3 semesters | Start: Summer and winter semester | No admission restrictions

Contact us
Support with application, enrolment, financing your studies and recognition of examination results