Institute for Academic Success and Didactics (ISD)

Welcome to the Institute for Academic Success and Didactics (ISD)!

For students

Studium Plus

The Studium PLUS seminars offered by the ISD teach key competencies (methodological and social skills), as well as interdisciplinary topics. Certificates can also be obtained to complement the degree programme. If you have any questions about the certificates, please contact the Studium PLUS staff.

Registration is required for all ISD events. You can register via the online registration portal. Your registration is binding!

Click here to register for a course (DE)

Counselling, diagnosis and support

You are actually really motivated, but have difficulties understanding how you can learn better? Or do you have the impression that you lack certain prior knowledge, particularly in maths and the natural sciences, and would like to change this?

If you need clarification in areas relating to learning and academic success in a narrower sense, you are welcome to contact the ISD and we will discuss your particular need privately and - where possible - make our own practical support services or those of other departments within the university available to you.

Studying is all about learning and acquiring knowledge and skills. But studying also means finding yourself in a phase of life with various challenges that affect your personal life situation. In addition, at least at the beginning of your studies, you first have to find your way around the "university system" with its organisational challenges. So make sure you also take note of the other counselling services offered at our university!

Counselling, Diagnosis and Support (DE)

Mathematics and science

Mathematics is a central instrument in the engineering and economics degree programmes at our university. It serves as a tool for modelling, and elementary and advanced calculation techniques are used in numerous areas. The ISD supports students with a wide range of face-to-face courses and digital practice opportunities.

Here you will find the courses offered in Mathematics and Science. If you have questions about e-learning in these subjects, please contact Ms Andreeva. If you have questions about courses, please contact Mr Thrun.

Mathematics and Science (DE)

Scientific communication

"Writing is easy. You just have to leave out the wrong words." Mark Twain

Academic writing is not quite that easy, but the good news is: it can be learnt!
The ISD not only supports you in searching for and finding the right words, but also helps you to familiarise yourself with the special features of writing new types of texts and to implement them successfully in your own work.
This way, we want to take away your "fear of the blank page" and accompany you from the first rough draft of your texts to the final revision.

Here you will find the services offered by the ISD for academic communication. If you have any questions about e-learning in these areas, please contact Ms. Andreeva. If you have questions about courses, please contact Ms. Pater.

Scientific Communication (DE)

Engineer + teacher - the teaching degree option

Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge? If so, have you ever thought about pursuing a career as a vocational college teacher?

The Centre for Teacher Training at Bochum University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with the University of Wuppertal, offers you the opportunity to become a vocational college teacher. At the Centre for Teacher Education, you can take a few additional courses parallel to your Bachelor's degree in engineering. These additional courses give you the opportunity to subsequently complete your Master of Education and embark on a career as a teacher at vocational colleges.

If you have individual questions, you are welcome to contact Carolin Mas Mas, Prof Eckehard Müller or Anne Marie Barthel. You have the option of making an appointment in person, by telephone or digitally.
Depending on the current situation, on-site meetings are possible, so it is best to get in touch with the contact persons by e-mail and your request will be processed.

For further information, visit our german page:

Engineer + Teacher (DE)  

Laboratories of the Universal Technology Centre (UTZ)

The technical equipment of the 3D Visualisation and 3D Virtualisation Centre of the Universal Technology Centre (UTZ) is located in room C3-20. The technical equipment of the 3D Production Centre of the Universal Technology Centre (UTZ) is located in room D2-22.


Ruhr Master School

The Ruhr Master School (RMS) is a university cooperation between Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences. Located in the heart of the Ruhr area, the three universities have been working together for several semesters in the field of Master's education. The collaboration is supported by the Mercator Foundation.

The Ruhr Master School aims to contribute to the further development of the three partner universities into centres of innovative university teaching. In addition to the topicality of the subject matter, a state-of-the-art course of study also includes components such as interdisciplinarity, internationality and digitalisation.

On the one hand, selected existing courses, particularly in the area of compulsory electives, will be networked and mutually opened up and recognised within this network. On the other hand, the three universities will jointly develop new teaching formats, such as an annual summer school.

Ruhr Master School (DE)

ISD projects/ programmes/ certificates

Here you will find the current projects of the Institute for Student Success and Teaching (ISD). These include events that are partly closed to certain target groups, as well as events that are open to the whole University. The projects presented here are just a selection of the formats offered by the ISD to improve teaching.

ISD Projects (DE)

For teachers

Didactic counselling for teachers

You decide WHAT to teach, We give you tips on HOW you can implement it in a target-group-oriented way.

The ISD team supports you individually and/or as a group in the application of these didactic paradigms in the planning, realisation and evaluation of your seminars. Our team includes specialists from the fields of technology, science and maths didactics, digital media, as well as learning psychology and communication.

We offer you:

  • Advice on seminar planning
  • Reflection in didactic/methodological conflict situations
  • Support with innovative and experimental teaching projects

Didactic Counselling for Teachers


The ISD supports teachers and students in designing and implementing technology-supported forms of teaching and learning (e-teaching/e-learning). Traditional teaching/learning situations are enriched by the use of new technologies and usefully supplemented by e-learning elements. The use of digital media is not intended to replace face-to-face events, but rather to integrate digital elements into traditional teaching/learning scenarios in a meaningful way (blended learning).

You can find further information on our german page:

E - Learning (DE)

ISD projects/ programmes/ certificates

Here you will find the current projects of the Institute for Student Success and Teaching (ISD). These include events that are partly closed to certain target groups, as well as events that are open to the whole University. The projects presented here are just a selection of the formats offered by the ISD to improve teaching.

ISD Projects (DE)


General questions

Q: I've registered for a course but can't attend. How do I cancel my registration?
A: You can either cancel your registration by email ( or in person at Room C 1-26. Please make sure to cancel at least two weeks before the course starts.

Q: How can I contact the lecturer?
A: You can find the email address of your lecturer in the "Info" section, under "Our Lecturers," listed by name.

Q: Can I receive a certificate of participation after completing the course?
A: If you have not completed the course's examination but have fulfilled the attendance requirement, you can request a "basic" certificate of participation (without a grade and ECTS) from the student office. After completing the examination, you will see the course title and the achieved grade in your self-service function's performance overview.

Q: Are there attendance requirements for ISD Studium PLUS courses?
A: Yes, ISD Studium PLUS courses have attendance requirements. If you do not meet the attendance requirement, you will not be eligible to take the exam. For block seminars, you must attend all session days to be eligible for a certificate of participation or to take the exam. For semester-long, weekly courses (e.g., language courses), up to one-quarter absence is allowed. In other words, you must attend at least 75 percent of the session days to be eligible for a certificate of participation or to take the exam.

Exams and granding

Q: Do I need to register for an exam?
A: Yes! Students are required to register for all exam assessments in ISD Studium PLUS courses via the student portal (Studierendenportal). This applies to written assignments, oral exams, and other forms of assessments. Furthermore, the obligation to provide a medical certificate in case of illness, as with all other exams, also applies.

Q: Where do I register for exams?
A: To register for exams in ISD, you should use the student portal (Studierendenportal) for both registration and cancellation. If you encounter any difficulties during the registration process, please reach out to your respective student office or via email at studienbuero-isd(at)

Q: How do I unregister from an exam?
A: To unregister from exams in ISD, you should use the student portal (Studierendenportal) for both registration and cancellation. If you face any issues while trying to unregister, please contact your respective student office or send an email to studienbuero-isd(at)

Q: When and where can I find my grade?
A: You can access your grade through your self-service student portal (Studierendenportal). If you don't find it there, please get in touch with your respective student office or email studienbuero-isd(at)

Q: What are the requirements for exam eligibility?
A: In our seminars, there is a mandatory attendance requirement. If you do not meet the attendance requirement, you will not be eligible to take the exam. To be admitted to the exam, you must have attended all session days for block seminars. For semester-long language courses, up to 25% absence is tolerated. In other words, you must have attended at least 75% of the sessions to take the exam.

Recognition/ crediting of examination results

Q: Which courses will be credited towards my major?
A: To determine which courses will be credited for your major, please consult your module handbook and reach out to the relevant individual in your department or student office.
To find out which student office is responsible for you, click here:
Student Offices at HS-Bochum.

Q: Can I have the grade for my completed assignment credited?
A: The possibility of having your grade credited depends on your department and study program. Please inquire with the student office responsible for your study program. 
To find out which student office is responsible for you, click here:
Student Offices at HS-Bochum.

Q: Can I get credits for skills I've acquired elsewhere in the area of key competencies?
A: Under certain circumstances, this might be possible. Please discuss this with your student office.
To find out which student office is responsible for you, click
here: Student Offices at HS-Bochum.

Q: I couldn't find my grade in the system. What can I do?
A: The reasons for not finding your grade in the system can vary depending on your department and study program. For this matter, please contact the staff at the student office or send an email to studienbuero-isd(at)

Languages courses

Q: Which languages will be offered in the next semester?
A: In general, the following languages will be offered continuously, most likely every semester:

  • English (B2, C1, and a conversation course at B2/C1 level)
  • Spanish (A1, A2, B1)
  • Sign Language A1.1

Q: Can I attend the advanced language course even if I only studied the language
in school?

A: Please attend the first course session and approach your lecturer. Your lecturer is best equipped to assess your language level and provide guidance.

Q: Will I receive a certificate indicating my language proficiency upon completion of the language course?
A: No, after attending our course, you won't receive an official certificate of your language proficiency. Our courses conclude with an internal examination, and the achieved grade is mentioned in your performance overview. If you need proof of your GER level, you would have to take a language test at an external testing institute, regardless of your course attendance.

Q: The language I want to learn is not offered at my level or not at all. What can I do?
A: For our university's students, there's an opportunity to attend additional language courses at the Center for Foreign Language Education (ZFA) at RUB for free. However, you can only take language courses at ZFA for languages not offered in our program. Placement and registration are managed through RUB's ZFA.
Please note that students from UAS_BO can only receive a course placement at
RUB if there are available spots, and there's no guarantee of obtaining a course
Also, be aware that you may need to take a placement test in advance if you
have prior knowledge of the language for courses at RUB. Find placement test
dates and further information at: ZFA RUB Placement Test.

Studium PLUS Team

Gruppenbild Studium Plus (01.02.2022)