Problem Based Learning

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning concept in which students are confronted with a real, complex problem in small groups [1]. The goal of Problem Based Learning is the cognitive acquisition of knowledge and the process of understanding itself, leading to a step-by-step solution [2].

Problem Based Learning in the BObby project is carried out based on the sustainability problem of urban transport, especially regarding the insufficient renewable energy supply concepts. This not only builds up technical competencies, but also strengthens social competencies through interdisciplinary project work. In addition, methodological competences for independent, critical, reflective, and active learning are acquired and students are encouraged "[...] to understand the material more deeply, rather than just dealing with it superficially [...]"[3]. 




[1] Barrows, H. S. (1996): Problem-based learning in medicine and beyond, in: L. Wilkerson, L./Gijselears, W. H. (Hrsg.): New directions for teaching and learning, 68. Ausgabe, Brining problem-based learning to higher education, Theory and practice, S. 3-13, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, S. 5. 

[2] Strittmatter-Haubold, V. (2016): Problem Based Learning, Eine Methode für wirksame Lernsettings in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung?, in: Hochschule und Weiterbildung, Schwerpunktthema: Hochschulweiterbildung und Beruf, 1/2016, DGWF, S. 50-55, S. 1. 

[3] Strittmatter-Haubold, V. (2016): Problem Based Learning, Eine Methode für wirksame Lernsettings in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung?, in: Hochschule und Weiterbildung, Schwerpunktthema: Hochschulweiterbildung und Beruf, 1/2016, DGWF, S. 50-55, S. 151