Learning outcomes / competences

What are cyber-physical systems? (Definitions, differentiation from embedded systems, ubiquitous computing, etc.)

Control theory and real-time requirements

Self-organisation principles ("Self-X", autonomy, negotiation)

Applications for cyber-physical systems (examples of existing or visionary future applications in the fields of transport, medical technology, etc.)

Design methods for cyber-physical systems (modelling, programming, model-integrated development).


Classical computer systems are characterised by a strict separation of the real and virtual worlds. Modern control systems, which are installed in modern vehicles, for example, and which consist of a large number of sensors and actuators, only correspond to this image to a very limited extent. These systems, often referred to as "cyber-physical systems (CPS)", recognise their physical environment, process this information and can also influence the physical environment in a coordinated manner. This requires a strong link between the physical application model and the computer control model. In contrast to embedded systems, CPS usually consist of many networked components that coordinate with each other independently.

Teaching methods

Lecture, seminar-style teaching, practical course, project work in groups

Prerequisites for participation


Forms of examination

Module examination in the form of a written examination of 90 minutes, oral examination, presentations, homework and project work during the semester

The lecture materials can be found in the institute's Moodle learning rooms.