Many personalities. Two campuses. One University.


Winter semester 2024/2025

Scenario Technique
Master Applied Sustainability / Master Sustainable Development
Head: Yara Matschalow
Moodle course: Scenario Technique

Bachelor Sustainable Development
Head: Semih Severengiz
Contact: Linda Becker

Global sustainability and energy transition
Bachelor Regenerative Energy Systems
Head: Semih Severengiz
Contact: Nora Schelte
Moodle: Global sustainability and energy transition


Summer semester 2024

Approaches and methods of sustainability science
Master Applied Sustainability
Head: Semih Severengiz
Contact: Michelle Hoffmann (michelle.hoffmann[at]

Sustainability in Technology
Master Sustainable Development
Head: Semih Severengiz


Calls for bachelor and master theses

You may also find further calls for bachelor's and master's theses on our German page. The topics advertised there can also be written in English by arrangement. 

Theme: Conflict analysis of stakeholder groups in the participation process
Project: THALES TP2

Detailed task description

Theme: Assessment and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Socio-Economic Sustainability Indicators for the Light Electric Vehicle (LEVs)
Project: SCiSusMob II

Detailed task description

Thema: Multi-criteria decision analysis as a method for the selection of energy technologies for neighbourhood energy systems
Project: adjust

Detailed task description

Thema: Development of a scenario study for the development of neighbourhood energy systems
Project: adjust

Detailed task description

Thema: Development of technology portfolios for sustainable energies in future neighbourhoods using the example of the city of Herne
Project: adjust

Detailed task description

Thema: Use cases for digital modelling and planning tools in the development of neighbourhood energy systems
Project: adjust

Detailed task description