Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bastian Welsch

Fachgebiet Geothermie

  • Studiengangsleiter Regenerative Energiesysteme
  • Vorsitzender Fachausschuss Regenerative Energiesysteme





Publikationen und Patente

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  • Rühaak W, Steiner S, Welsch B, Sass I (2015): Prognosefähigkeit numerischer Erdwärmesondenmodelle, Grundwasser, v. 20, no. 4, p. 243–251,
  • Bär K, Rühaak W, Welsch B, Schulte DO, Homuth S and Sass I (2015): Seasonal high temperature storage with medium deep borehole heat exchangers, Energy Procedia, v. 76, p. 351–360,
  • Schulte DO, Rühaak W, Oladyshkin S, Welsch B and Sass I (2016): Optimization of Medium-Deep Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Energy Technology, v. 4, p. 104–113,
  • Welsch B, Rühaak W, Schulte DO, Bär K and Sass I (2016): Characteristics of medium deep borehole thermal energy storage, International Journal of Energy Research, v. 40, no. 13, 1855–1868,
  • Schulte DO, Welsch B, Boockmeyer A, Rühaak W, Bär K, Bauer S and Sass I (2016) Modeling insulated borehole heat exchangers, Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 75, p. 1–12,
  • Schulte DO, Rühaak W, Welsch B and Sass I (2016): BASIMO – borehole heat exchanger array simulation and optimization tool, Energy Procedia, v. 97, p. 210 217,
  • Welsch B, Rühaak W, Schulte DO, Formhals J, Bär K and Sass I (2017): Co-Simulation of Geothermal Applications and HVAC Systems, Energy Procedia, v. 125, p. 345–352,
  • Welsch B, Göllner-Völker L, Schulte DO, Bär K, Sass I and Schebek L (2018): Environmental and Economic Assessment of Borehole Thermal Energy Storage in District Heating Systems, Applied Energy, v. 216, p. 73–90,
  • Formhals J, Hemmatabady H, Welsch B, Schulte DO, and Sass I (2020): A Modelica Toolbox for the Simulation of Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Energies, v. 13 no. 9, 2327,
  • Hemmatabady H, Formhals J, Welsch B, Schulte DO and Sass I (2020): Optimized Layouts of Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems in 4th Generation Grids, Energies, v. 13 no. 17, 4405,

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  • Welsch B, Rühaak W, Schulte DO, Bär K, Homuth S and Sass I (2015): A Comparative Study of Medium Deep Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems Using Numerical Modelling, in Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April 2015.
  • Schulte DO, Rühaak W, Chauhan S, Welsch B and Sass I (2015): A MATLAB Toolbox for Optimization of Deep Borehole Heat Exchanger Arrays, in Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 19–25 April 2015.
  • Bär K, Homuth S, Rühaak W, Schulte DO, Welsch B and Sass I (2015): Coupled Renewable Energy systems for seasonal High Temperature Heat storage via Medium Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers, in Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 19–25 April 2015.
  • Sass I, Welsch B and Schulte DO (2016): Mitteltiefe Erdwärmesondenspeicher – Lösung für den Nutzungskonflikt Grundwasserschutz versus Geothermienutzung?, in Proceedings 7. Bochumer Grundwassertag, Bochum, Germany, 17 March 2016.
  • Bär K, Sass I, Welsch B, Schulte DO, Rühaak W (2017): Seasonal High Temperature Heat Storage with Middle Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers – a Coupled-Modelling Study, in Proceedings 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 13–15 February 2017.
  • Welsch B, Göllner-Völker L, Schulte DO, Bär K, Sass I and Schebek L (2019): Medium Deep Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems – Economic and Environmental Impact, in Proceedings European Geothermal Congress 2019, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 11-14 June 2019.
  • Schulte DO, Welsch B, Formhals J and Sass I (2019): Potentials and Challenges of Borehole Thermal Energy Storage in Solar District Heating Grids, in Proceedings European Geothermal Congress 2019, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 11-14 June 2019.

Other Journal Publications

  • Schulte DO, Welsch B, Formhals J and Sass I (2018): Der Schritt zum mitteltiefen Erdwärmesondenspeicher, bbr Leitungsbau|Brunnenbau|Geothermie, v. 4-2018, p. 70-75.
  • Welsch B (2019): Durchlässigkeitsveränderungen durch Erdwärmesonden – Auswirkungen auf die Genehmigungssituation, Geothermische Energie, v. 92, p. 22-25.


  • DE102019105373A1: System und Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer Wärmeleitfähigkeit; Drefke, C., Henze, J.C., Kupfernagel, J.-H., Müller, L., Sass, I., Schedel, M., Seehaus, R., Welsch, B.; Veröffentlichungsdatum: 10.09.2020,
  • DE102020103331.1: Verfahren zur Errichtung eines Rohrleitungsabschnittes eines Rohrsystems sowie Rohrleitungsabschnitt eines Rohrsystems in einem Wärmenetz; Formhals, J., Sass, I., Schedel, M., Welsch, B.; Anmeldedatum: 10.02.2020,


Bastian Welsch
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bastian Welsch
Fachbereich Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen
Raum: H 5-17


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