Welcome to the Department of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering!

We are very delighted to welcome you to our Department! This website provides you with information and links that are important for organising your studies as an exchange or international student.

We wish you a pleasant stay and of course a lot of success and fun for your studies at Bochum University of Applied Sciences!

Who to contact

In our International Office

The team at the International Office will help you with your application and organise your stay at Bochum University of Applied Sciences.

International Office

The team of the International Office

In the Studienbüro 3/Office of Student Affairs 3

Here you can find information about your study programme and the organisation of your studies, in particular the enrolment, re-registration and examinations.

Studienbüro 3

All about studying

Our study programmes

Here you can find an overview of our study programmes in Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering courses (Bachelor and Master).

Study Programmes


The moodle course Studieren im Fachbereich M - Durchblick leicht gemacht of the Department of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering allows you to view the timetable for your degree programme or semester. To log in, you will need your user name and password, which you will receive when you enrol at our university.


Moodle learning platform

Your username and password will give you access to our Moodle learning platform, where you will find the timetables, the lecture notes and self-study materials of each module.


Registration for laboratory courses

At least four weeks before classes begin, you can register for the laboratory courses and electives in the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as well as Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering on the PraktOrg registration page.

Praktorg Registration Page

How to find an internship and a final year project in a company in Germany

Career Service Ingenieurwissenschaften/Engineering Careers Service

If, as part of your studies, you need to complete an internship in a company in Germany and/or intend to write your final thesis there, the Engineering Careers Service offers you comprehensive advice and training. Here you will learn and experience how to apply correctly and how to find your desired internship or position.

Engineering Careers Service

Jobbörse Catapult/Catapult Job Board

You can use our Catapult job board to find an internship, dissertation, undergraduate or graduate job in your field of study in Germany and abroad. We wish you the best of luc

Catapult Job Board

  Unser Studien­angebot